
Detecting plagiarism made easy.

Score: 0.8026576042175293; Reported for: String similarity Open both answers

Possible Plagiarism

Plagiarized on 2024-10-30
by Ori S

Original Post

Original - Posted on 2020-12-22
by Lukas1

Present in both answers; Present only in the new answer; Present only in the old answer;

You can create a Modifier extension to make it more usable:
[![riplle animation][1]][1]
fun Modifier.rippleLoadingAnimationModifier( start: Boolean, color: Color, circles: Int = 3, expandFactor: Float = 5f, durationMillis: Int = 2500, ): Modifier { if (start.not()) { return this } else { return this.composed { val transition = rememberInfiniteTransition(label = "ripple") val translateAnimations = List(circles) { index -> transition.animateFloat( initialValue = 0f, targetValue = 1f, animationSpec = infiniteRepeatable( animation = tween( durationMillis = durationMillis, easing = LinearEasing, ), repeatMode = RepeatMode.Restart, initialStartOffset = StartOffset(index * (durationMillis / circles)) ) ) } this.drawBehind { val radius = (maxOf(size.height, size.width) / 2)*expandFactor translateAnimations.forEachIndexed { index, animatable -> drawCircle( color = color.copy(alpha = (1 - animatable.value)), radius = radius * animatable.value, center =, ) } } } } }
Preview example:
@Preview @Composable private fun RippleLoadingAnimationPrev() { Box( Modifier .size(150.dp) .background(Color(0xFF4B7AE3)) ) { Icon( modifier = Modifier.align(Alignment.Center).rippleLoadingAnimationModifier( start = true, color = Color.White, expandFactor = 5f, ), imageVector = Icons.Default.Bluetooth, tint = Color.Black, contentDescription = "" ) } }

I've solved it using constraint layout:
Box(modifier = Modifier.padding(Dp(50f))) { ConstraintLayout( modifier = Modifier .border(width = Dp(1f), color = Color.Black) .fillMaxWidth() ) { val (left, divider, right) = createRefs() Column( modifier = Modifier .padding(horizontal = Dp(20f)) .constrainAs(left) { width = Dimension.wrapContent start.linkTo(parent.start) top.linkTo( end.linkTo(divider.start) bottom.linkTo(parent.bottom) } ) { Text(text = "Code") Text(text = "A12") } Box( modifier = Modifier .width(Dp(1f)) .background(Color.Black) .constrainAs(divider) { width = Dimension.wrapContent height = Dimension.fillToConstraints start.linkTo(left.end) top.linkTo( end.linkTo(right.start) bottom.linkTo(parent.bottom) } ) Box( modifier = Modifier .constrainAs(right) { width = Dimension.fillToConstraints start.linkTo(divider.end) top.linkTo( end.linkTo(parent.end) bottom.linkTo(parent.bottom) } ) { Text( text = "Test", modifier = Modifier .padding(vertical = Dp(100f)) .align(Alignment.Center) ) } } }
The key part is using that modifier `height = Dimension.fillToConstraints`

Present in both answers; Present only in the new answer; Present only in the old answer;