
Detecting plagiarism made easy.

Score: 0.8240854144096375; Reported for: String similarity Open both answers

Possible Plagiarism

Plagiarized on 2022-11-29
by Leo Ward

Original Post

Original - Posted on 2021-03-28
by Ali Hassan

Present in both answers; Present only in the new answer; Present only in the old answer;

Putting this inside scaffold works. This has two rows.
Column( children: [ Row( children: const [ Text("1"), Text("2"), ], ), Row( children: const [ Text("3"), Text("4"), ], ), ], )
Row( children: [ Container(height: 400, width: 400, color:, Expanded( child:SizedBox( width:100, heigth:100, child:ListView( children: appStatWidgets, ), ) ) ]), Like this

Present in both answers; Present only in the new answer; Present only in the old answer;