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Reposted on 2022-05-08
by Saad

Original Post

Original - Posted on 2022-05-08
by Saad

Present in both answers; Present only in the new answer; Present only in the old answer;

i create a new class to put all the Firebase Analytics functions
this is example
class ClientAnalytics {
static func purchaseEvent(itemAdded : String , value : Double , currency : String) { Analytics.logEvent(AnalyticsEventEcommercePurchase, parameters: [ AnalyticsParameterItemID : itemAdded as NSObject, AnalyticsParameterValue : value, AnalyticsParameterCurrency : currency ]) }
how to call
ClientAnalytics.purchaseEvent(itemAdded: ToolName, value: toolValue, currency: "USD")
the purpose of this functions is to log any purchase Event the user
i create a new class to put all the Firebase Analytics functions
this is example
class ClientAnalytics {
static func purchaseEvent(itemAdded : String , value : Double , currency : String) { Analytics.logEvent(AnalyticsEventEcommercePurchase, parameters: [ AnalyticsParameterItemID : itemAdded as NSObject, AnalyticsParameterValue : value, AnalyticsParameterCurrency : currency ]) }
how to call
ClientAnalytics.purchaseEvent(itemAdded: ToolName, value: toolValue, currency: "USD")
the purpose of this functions is to log any purchase Event the user

Present in both answers; Present only in the new answer; Present only in the old answer;