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Possible Plagiarism

Plagiarized on 2020-09-17
by Jeff Bennett

Original Post

Original - Posted on 2018-07-06
by n01d

Present in both answers; Present only in the new answer; Present only in the old answer;

I have a work-around to my own question.
According to the documentation ( what I am looking for is not possible. "Each cell in a matrix can include one or more stages to be run sequentially using the configuration for that cell. Note that a stage must have one and only one of steps, stages, parallel, or matrix. It is not possible to nest a parallel or matrix block within a stage directive if that stage directive is nested within a parallel or matrix block itself."
But.... you can cheat. I was able to turn the matrix into a generic dispatch queue. i.e. each combination invokes N stages - for me, 2 and I call them "prepare" and "execute". I pass an additional "matrixtype" argument in. The matrixtype gets 1 value for the matrix itself, as well as additional values for each line of the non-matrix. I then use the matrix 'excludes' to insure that the non-matrix lines execute only once. Effectively, this folds the non matrix into the matrix differentiated by matrix type.
Original (parallel-stages in series with a subsequent matrix) stage { parallel { stage("alpha") { alpha(..) } stage("beta") { beta(..) } // etc } } stage { matrix { axes { axis { name 'ORIGAXIS' values 'FOO','BAR','BAZ' } } stages { stage("First") { originalFirst( ...) } stage("Second") { originalSecond(...) } } } }
Replacement (parallel folded into matrix) stage { matrix { axes { axis { name 'MATRIXTYPE values 'ORIGINAL', 'ALPHA', 'BETA' axis { name 'ORIGAXIS' values 'FOO','BAR','BAZ' } excludes { // Execute Alpha and Beta only once (during 'FOO') exclude { axis { name 'MATRIXTYPE' values 'ALPHA', 'BETA' } axis { name 'ORIGAXIS' values 'BAR','BAZ' } } } } stages { stage("First") { dispatchFirst( "${MATRIXTYPE}", ...) } stage("Second") { dispatchSecond( "${MATRIXTYPE}", ...) } } } }
The dispatchFirst(..) and dispatchSecond(..) are then simple dispatch methods in the shared lib that examine matrixtype, and invoke originalFirst(..), originalSecond(..), alpha(..), beta(..) or a no-op as appropriate. It's slightly clumsy, and amounts to shoehorning the parallel stages into the matrix, but it works. And, you get the benefit of parallelization (build speed-optimization)
Hopefully in the future, there will be something more elegant.

1. `post{}` block should only follow `steps{}` or `parallel{}` (for parallel stages) to take effect.
2. If you require post to be executed in a node environment, you should provide a node to the entire stage (`agent{}` statement).
You could try to use parallel stages execution. Also I'd suggest to use functions to shorten the code.
Something like this:
void Clean() { dir("build") { deleteDir() writeFile file:'dummy', text:'' // Creates the directory } }
void SmthElse(def optionalParams) { // some actions here }
pipeline { agent none options { skipDefaultCheckout(true) // to avoid force checkouts on every node in a first stage disableConcurrentBuilds() // to avoid concurrent builds on same nodes } stages { stage('Clean') { failfast false parallel { stage('Linux') { agent {label 'linux'} steps {Clean()} post { // post statements for 'linux' node SmthElse(someParameter) } } stage('Windows') { agent {label 'windows'} steps {Clean()} post { // post statements for 'windows' node } } stage('MacOS') { agent {label 'mac'} steps {Clean()} post { // post statements for 'mac' node } } } post { // Post statements OUTSIDE of nodes (i.e. send e-mail of a stage completion) } }
// other stages (Build/Test/Etc.) } }

Alternatively you can use `node` in post statements:
stage('Test') { steps { // your parallel Test steps } post { always { script { parallel ( "linux" : { node('linux') { // 'linux' node post steps } }, "windows" : { node('windows') { // 'windows' node post steps } }
// etc ) } } } }

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