
Detecting plagiarism made easy.

Score: 1; Reported for: String similarity Open both answers

Possible Plagiarism

Reposted on 2024-09-09
by Denis S Dujota

Original Post

Original - Posted on 2024-09-09
by Denis S Dujota

Present in both answers; Present only in the new answer; Present only in the old answer;

tried all of these and nothing worked, found final solution that works rails 7+
go to `config/environments/production.rb`

find this line that is commented out (aprox line 20ish) and remove the comment `config.require_master_key = true`
next go to your console and run this command to get the .gitignored master.key value to populate into the heroku env vars

``` heroku config:set RAILS_MASTER_KEY=`cat config/master.key`
# yes thats a tilda, make sure it remains a tilda so that the shell command executes ```
Either I missed it, or its just not super clear in the heroku/rails docs but hope this helps someone from searching in circles
tried all of these and nothing worked, found final solution that works rails 7+
go to `config/environments/production.rb`

find this line that is commented out (aprox line 20ish) and remove the comment `config.require_master_key = true`
next go to your console and run this command to get the .gitignored master.key value to populate into the heroku env vars

``` heroku config:set RAILS_MASTER_KEY=`cat config/master.key`
# yes thats a tilda, make sure it remains a tilda so that the shell command executes ```
Either I missed it, or its just not super clear in the heroku/rails docs but hope this helps someone from searching in circles

Present in both answers; Present only in the new answer; Present only in the old answer;