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Possible Plagiarism

Plagiarized on 2018-10-07
by devserkan

Original Post

Original - Posted on 2017-05-10
by Chris

Present in both answers; Present only in the new answer; Present only in the old answer;

Ok, since you don't provide an answer to the comments I think you are still trying to figure it out. As far as I see your JSON data is an object. So somehow you need to map this object and pick the proper values. In the current shape of this data, it is a little bit tricky to do this.
First, we use `Object.values` to get the object values. Since all the key lengths are equal ( this is how all the data sync) we are just mapping the first value of the object. Actually the first or the second or any value does not matter here, we just need to map one value to track an iterator index.
Inside this mapped array we are again using another map to get the values. For each `td` we use our index coming from the upper map.
By the way, I've used indexes as keys but finding a unique key would be better.
<!-- begin snippet: js hide: false console: true babel: true -->
<!-- language: lang-js -->
const App = ( props ) => { const { data } = props; const values = Object.values( data ); return ( <div> <table> <thead> <tr> <th>Athlete</th> <th>Muscle-soreness</th> <th>Sleep-quality</th> </tr> </thead> <tbody> {values[ 0 ].map( ( _, i ) => ( <tr key={i}>{ ( value, key ) => <td key={key}>{value[ i ]}</td> )}</tr> ) )} </tbody> </table> </div> ); };
const data = { athlete: [ "Foo", "Bar", "Baz" ], "muscle-soreness": [ 5, 6, 7 ], "sleep-quality": [ 5, 6, 7 ], };
ReactDOM.render( <App data={data} />, document.getElementById( "root" ) );

<!-- language: lang-css -->
table, tr, td { border: 1px solid black; }
<!-- language: lang-html -->
<script src=""></script> <script src=""></script> <div id="root"></div>
<!-- end snippet -->

**Be careful when iterating over arrays!!**
It is a common misconception that using the index of the element in the array is an acceptable way of suppressing the error you are probably familiar with: <!-- language: none -->
Each child in an array should have a unique "key" prop.
However, in many cases it is not! This is **anti-pattern** that can in *some* situations lead to **unwanted behavior**.
#Understanding the `key` prop
React uses the `key` prop to understand the component-to-DOM Element relation, which is then used for the [reconciliation process]( It is therefore very important that the key *always* remains *unique*, otherwise there is a good chance React will mix up the elements and mutate the incorrect one. It is also important that these keys *remain static* throughout all re-renders in order to maintain best performance.
That being said, one does not *always* need to apply the above, provided it is *known* that the array is completely static. However, applying best practices is encouraged whenever possible.
A React developer said in [this GitHub issue](
> - key is not really about performance, it's more about identity (which in turn leads to better performance). randomly assigned and changing values are not identity > - We can't realistically provide keys [automatically] without knowing how your data is modeled. I would suggest maybe using some sort of hashing function if you don't have ids > - We already have internal keys when we use arrays, but they are the index in the array. When you insert a new element, those keys are wrong.
In short, a `key` should be:
- **Unique** - A key cannot be identical to that of a [sibling component]( - **Static** - A key should not ever change between renders.
#Using the `key` prop
As per the explanation above, carefully study the following samples and try to implement, when possible, the recommended approach.
###Bad (Potentially)
<tbody> {, i) => { return <ObjectRow key={i} />; })} </tbody>

This is arguably the most common mistake seen when iterating over an array in React. This approach isn't technically *"wrong"*, it's just... *"dangerous"* if you don't know what you are doing. If you are iterating through a static array then this is a perfectly valid approach (e.g. an array of links in your navigation menu). However, if you are adding, removing, reordering or filtering items, then you need to be careful. Take a look at this [detailed explanation]( in the official documentation.
<!-- begin snippet: js hide: true console: true babel: true -->
<!-- language: lang-js -->
class MyApp extends React.Component { constructor() { super(); this.state = { arr: ["Item 1"] } } click = () => { this.setState({ arr: ['Item ' + (this.state.arr.length+1)].concat(this.state.arr), }); } render() { return( <div> <button onClick={}>Add</button> <ul> { (item, i) => <Item key={i} text={"Item " + i}>{item + " "}</Item> )} </ul> </div> ); } }
const Item = (props) => { return ( <li> <label>{props.children}</label> <input value={props.text} /> </li> ); }
ReactDOM.render(<MyApp />, document.getElementById("app"));
<!-- language: lang-html -->
<script src=""></script> <script src=""></script> <div id="app"></div>
<!-- end snippet -->
In this snippet we are using a non-static array and we are not restricting ourselves to using it as a stack. This is an unsafe approach (you'll see why). Note how as we add items to the beginning of the array (basically unshift), the value for each `<input>` remains in place. Why? Because the `key` doesn't uniquely identify each item.
In other words, at first `Item 1` has `key={0}`. When we add the second item, the top item becomes `Item 2`, followed by `Item 1` as the second item. However, now `Item 1` has `key={1}` and not `key={0}` anymore. Instead, `Item 2` now has `key={0}`!!
As such, React thinks the `<input>` elements have not changed, because the `Item` with key `0` is always at the top!
**So why is this approach only *sometimes* bad?**
This approach is only risky if the array is somehow filtered, rearranged, or items are added/removed. If it is always static, then it's perfectly safe to use. For example, a navigation menu like `["Home", "Products", "Contact us"]` can safely be iterated through with this method because you'll probably never add new links or rearrange them.
In short, here's when you can **safely** use the index as `key`:
- The array is static and will never change. - The array is never filtered (display a subset of the array). - The array is never reordered. - The array is used as a stack or LIFO (last in, first out). In other words, adding can only be done at the end of the array (i.e push), and only the last item can ever be removed (i.e pop).
Had we instead, in the snippet above, **pushed** the added item to the end of the array, the order for each existing item would always be correct.
###Very bad
<tbody> { => { return <ObjectRow key={Math.random()} />; })} </tbody>
While this approach will probably guarantee uniqueness of the keys, it will *always* force react to re-render each item in the list, even when this is not required. This a very bad solution as it greatly impacts performance. Not to mention that one cannot exclude the possibility of a key collision in the event that `Math.random()` produces the same number twice.
> Unstable keys (like those produced by `Math.random()`) will cause many component instances and DOM nodes to be unnecessarily recreated, which can cause performance degradation and lost state in child components.
###Very good
<tbody> { => { return <ObjectRow key={row.uniqueId} />; })} </tbody>
This is arguably the [best approach]( because it uses a property that is unique for each item in the dataset. For example, if `rows` contains data fetched from a database, one could use the table's Primary Key (*which typically is an auto-incrementing number*).
> The best way to pick a key is to use a string that uniquely identifies a list item among its siblings. Most often you would use IDs from your data as keys

componentWillMount() { let rows = => { return {uid: SomeLibrary.generateUniqueID(), value: item}; }); } ... <tbody> { => { return <ObjectRow key={row.uid} />; })} </tbody>
This is also a good approach. If your dataset does not contain any data that guarantees uniqueness (*e.g. an array of arbitrary numbers*), there is a chance of a key collision. In such cases, it is best to manually generate a unique identifier for each item in the dataset before iterating over it. Preferably when mounting the component or when the dataset is received (*e.g. from `props` or from an async API call*), in order to do this only *once*, and not each time the component re-renders. There are already a handful of libraries out there that can provide you such keys. Here is one example: [react-key-index](

Present in both answers; Present only in the new answer; Present only in the old answer;