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Plagiarized on 2024-04-22
by William

Original Post

Original - Posted on 2019-11-06
by Ravi

Present in both answers; Present only in the new answer; Present only in the old answer;

I have struggled for the same issue for a couple of hours.. Finally I found this solution for mapping the right column for POJO and output with header with the opencsv. Hope this can help you a little bit.
There are 2 points we need to pay extra attention.
1. Must add both of the annotations(e.g. `@CsvBindByPosition(position = 0)` and `@CsvBindByName(column = "var_0")`) on the field in the POJO. 2. Must configure the right mapping strategy and apply it on the instance of `StatefulBeanToCsv`

## Here is the sample code
dependency: ``` <dependency> <groupId>com.opencsv</groupId> <artifactId>opencsv</artifactId> <version>4.6</version> </dependency> ```
Class of `CustomMappingStrategy`:
``` import com.opencsv.bean.BeanField; import com.opencsv.bean.ColumnPositionMappingStrategy; import com.opencsv.bean.CsvBindByName; import com.opencsv.exceptions.CsvRequiredFieldEmptyException; import org.apache.commons.lang3.StringUtils; import org.apache.commons.lang3.reflect.FieldUtils;
public class CustomMappingStrategy<T> extends ColumnPositionMappingStrategy<T> { @Override public String[] generateHeader(T bean) throws CsvRequiredFieldEmptyException {
super.setColumnMapping(new String[ FieldUtils.getAllFields(bean.getClass()).length]); final int numColumns = findMaxFieldIndex(); if (!isAnnotationDriven() || numColumns == -1) { return super.generateHeader(bean); }
String[] header = new String[numColumns + 1];
BeanField<T> beanField; for (int i = 0; i <= numColumns; i++) { beanField = findField(i); String columnHeaderName = extractHeaderName(beanField); header[i] = columnHeaderName; } return header; }
private String extractHeaderName(final BeanField<T> beanField) { if (beanField == null || beanField.getField() == null || beanField.getField().getDeclaredAnnotationsByType(CsvBindByName.class).length == 0) { return StringUtils.EMPTY; }
final CsvBindByName bindByNameAnnotation = beanField.getField() .getDeclaredAnnotationsByType(CsvBindByName.class)[0]; return bindByNameAnnotation.column(); } } ```
code of the logic to output List<POJO> into a csv:
``` List<POJO> sourceList = new ArrayList<>(); sourceList.add(pojo1);
OutputStreamWriter writer = new OutputStreamWriter(new FileOutputStream(new File("./test.csv"), false), Charset.forName("UTF-8"));
CustomMappingStrategy<POJO> mappingStrategy = new CustomMappingStrategy<>(); mappingStrategy.setType(POJO.class);
StatefulBeanToCsv<POJO> sbc = new StatefulBeanToCsvBuilder<POJO>(writer) .withSeparator(CSVWriter.DEFAULT_SEPARATOR) .withMappingStrategy(mappingStrategy) .build();
sbc.write(sourceList); writer.flush(); ```
CustomMappingStrategy for generic class. ``` public class CustomMappingStrategy<T> extends ColumnPositionMappingStrategy<T> { @Override public String[] generateHeader(T bean) throws CsvRequiredFieldEmptyException {
super.setColumnMapping(new String[ FieldUtils.getAllFields(bean.getClass()).length]); final int numColumns = findMaxFieldIndex(); if (!isAnnotationDriven() || numColumns == -1) { return super.generateHeader(bean); }
String[] header = new String[numColumns + 1];
BeanField<T> beanField; for (int i = 0; i <= numColumns; i++) { beanField = findField(i); String columnHeaderName = extractHeaderName(beanField); header[i] = columnHeaderName; } return header; }
private String extractHeaderName(final BeanField<T> beanField) { if (beanField == null || beanField.getField() == null || beanField.getField().getDeclaredAnnotationsByType(CsvBindByName.class).length == 0) { return StringUtils.EMPTY; }
final CsvBindByName bindByNameAnnotation = beanField.getField() .getDeclaredAnnotationsByType(CsvBindByName.class)[0]; return bindByNameAnnotation.column(); } } ```
POJO Class ``` public class Customer{
@CsvBindByPosition(position=1) @CsvBindByName(column="CUSTOMER", required = true) private String customer; } ``` Client Class ``` List<T> data = getEmployeeRecord(); CustomMappingStrategy custom = new CustomMappingStrategy(); custom.setType(Employee.class); StatefulBeanToCsv<T> writer = new StatefulBeanToCsvBuilder<T>(response.getWriter()) .withQuotechar(CSVWriter.NO_QUOTE_CHARACTER) .withSeparator('|') .withOrderedResults(false) .withMappingStrategy(custom) .build(); writer.write(reportData); ```

Present in both answers; Present only in the new answer; Present only in the old answer;