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Plagiarized on 2024-03-30
by Bibin Jaimon

Original Post

Original - Posted on 2022-01-31
by Thel

Present in both answers; Present only in the new answer; Present only in the old answer;

Any update on disabling the 2 finger swipe on `TabView` in SwiftUI when using page style?
I have been facing the same issue and not able to disable it for TabView in SwiftUI. But I changed my implementation using ScrollView to implement the TabView effect in one of my App.
# Implementation of TabView using ScrollView ```swift struct TabContentView: View { private var views: [AnyView] = [] @State private var currentIndex: Int = 0 init() { self.views = [ // The below are your components AnyView(Page1()), AnyView(Page2()), AnyView(Page3()) ] } var body: some View { GeometryReader { proxy in ScrollViewReader { value in TabNavigationBar( currentIndex: $currentIndex, pageCount: views.count ) .padding() .background(.green) ScrollView(.horizontal) { HStack { ForEach(0..<views.count, id: \.description) { index in self.views[index] .id(index) // We need to set the id to identify the view when trying to scroll programatically .frame(width: proxy.size.width) } } } .scrollDisabled(false) // To disable scroll .transition(.slide) .onChange(of: self.currentIndex) { oldValue, newValue in withAnimation { value.scrollTo(newValue) // To programatically scroll to particular id } } } } } } ```
# Implementation of Header View where back and next button has implemented ```swift struct TabNavigationBar: View { @Binding var currentIndex: Int let pageCount: Int var body: some View { HStack { if currentIndex != 0 { Button { if currentIndex > 0 { currentIndex -= 1 } } label: { Text("back") } } Spacer() if currentIndex != pageCount - 1 { Button { if currentIndex < pageCount { currentIndex += 1 } } label: { Text("next") } } } } } ```
I tried Asperis's solution, but I still couldn't disable the swiping, and adding disabled to true didn't work since I want the child views to be interactive. The solution that worked for me was using Majid's ( custom Pager View and adding a conditional like Asperi's solution.
Majid's PagerView with conditional:
``` import SwiftUI
struct PagerView<Content: View>: View { let pageCount: Int @Binding var canDrag: Bool @Binding var currentIndex: Int let content: Content init(pageCount: Int, canDrag: Binding<Bool>, currentIndex: Binding<Int>, @ViewBuilder content: () -> Content) { self.pageCount = pageCount self._canDrag = canDrag self._currentIndex = currentIndex self.content = content() } @GestureState private var translation: CGFloat = 0 var body: some View { GeometryReader { geometry in HStack(spacing: 0) { self.content.frame(width: geometry.size.width) } .frame(width: geometry.size.width, alignment: .leading) .offset(x: -CGFloat(self.currentIndex) * geometry.size.width) .offset(x: self.translation) .animation(.interactiveSpring(), value: currentIndex) .animation(.interactiveSpring(), value: translation) .gesture(!canDrag ? nil : // <- here DragGesture() .updating(self.$translation) { value, state, _ in state = value.translation.width } .onEnded { value in let offset = value.translation.width / geometry.size.width let newIndex = (CGFloat(self.currentIndex) - offset).rounded() self.currentIndex = min(max(Int(newIndex), 0), self.pageCount - 1) } ) } } }
``` ContentView: ``` import SwiftUI
struct ContentView: View { @State private var currentPage = 0 @State var canDrag: Bool = true var body: some View { PagerView(pageCount: 3, canDrag: $canDrag, currentIndex: $currentPage) { VStack { Button { canDrag.toggle() } label: { Text("Toogle drag") }
} VStack { Button { canDrag.toggle() } label: { Text("Toogle drag") }
} VStack { Button { canDrag.toggle() } label: { Text("Toogle drag") }
} } } } ```

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