You can use the other type of Telegram API: [Telegram \[client\] API and TDLib](
Using [telethon library][1] makes it easy to read channels history (see [telethon docs][2]).
For this, we need an `api_id` and an `api_hash`. So, do the following:
1. Log in to [Telegram core](
2. Open the [API development tools area](
3. Fill out the simple form there
4. Now you can receive your `api_id` and `api_hash`
<sub>For more information, see Telegram's help documentation about [how to get your API credentials](</sub>
Here is an example code that gets the last *5* messages of *targetChannelId*:
from telethon import TelegramClient
API_ID = 123456 # See above for how to get it
API_HASH = '123abc' # See above for how to get it
client = TelegramClient('my-client', API_ID, API_HASH)
async def main():
async for message in client.iter_messages('targetChannelId', limit=5):
print(, message.text)
with client:
The first time you run this code it asks your phone number or bot token. Enter your **phone number** in the format `+9912345...` where `99` is your country code and the rest is your phone number.
It then may send a login code to your Telegram app; enter it in the console.
**Note**: Only users (phone numbers) can see channel history messages; bots cannot (at least in telethon). Bots can only listen for channel **updates** only if they are one of its **administrators**.
The `client.iter_messages()` accepts other parameters like `min_id` which can be used to get messages only after a specific message (for example, we can save the last message id that we have processed and next time pass that id as `min_id` so only messages after that message are returned).
Have you tried the other type of Telegram API: [Telegram \[client\] API and TDLib](
Using [telethon library][1] makes it easy to read channels history (see [telethon docs][2]).
For this, we need an `api_id` and an `api_hash`. So, do the following:
1. Log in to your [Telegram core](
2. Open the [API development tools area](
3. Fill out the simple form there
4. Now you can receive your `api_id` and `api_hash`
See Telegram's help documentation about [how to get your API credentials](
Here is an example code that gets the last *5* messages of *targetChannelId*:
from telethon import TelegramClient
API_ID = 123456 # See above for how to get it
API_HASH = '123abc' # See above for how to get it
client = TelegramClient('my-client', API_ID, API_HASH)
async def main():
async for message in client.iter_messages('targetChannelId', limit=5):
print(, message.text)
with client:
The first time you run this code it asks your phone number or bot token. Enter your **phone number** in the format `+9912345...` where `99` is your country code and the rest is your phone number.
It then may send a login code to your Telegram app; enter it in the console.
**Note**: Only users (phone numbers) can see channel history messages; bots cannot (at least in telethon). Bots can only listen for channel **updates** only if they are one of its **administrators**.
The `client.iter_messages()` accepts other parameters like `min_id` which can be used to get messages only after a specific message (for example, we can save the last message id that we have processed and next time pass that id as `min_id` so only messages after that message are returned).