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Possible Plagiarism

Plagiarized on 2017-03-21
by amit 1984

Original Post

Original - Posted on 2016-01-03
by CommonsWare

Present in both answers; Present only in the new answer; Present only in the old answer;

You are attempting to use the original version of Google Maps support for Android ( We refer to that now as Maps V1. This will not work, as Maps V1 has been deprecated for over two years. You can no longer get API keys for it, so even if your code would be correct, it would not work. The crash is because the old MapView had to be used inside of a MapActivity, as the error indicates. The current version of Google Maps support for Android — Maps V2 — has a very different API and does not involve classes in the package.
You are attempting to use the original version of Google Maps support for Android (``). We refer to that now as Maps V1.
This will not work, as Maps V1 has been deprecated for over two years. You can no longer get API keys for it, so even if your code would be correct, it would not work. The crash is because the old `MapView` had to be used inside of a `MapActivity`, as the error indicates.
[The current version of Google Maps support for Android][1] — Maps V2 — has a very different API and does not involve classes in the `` package.


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