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Possible Plagiarism

Plagiarized on 2014-07-06
by vinay Maneti

Original Post

Original - Posted on 2011-08-04
by MByD

Present in both answers; Present only in the new answer; Present only in the old answer;

[`View.OnClickListener` is an interface][1], you don't call it, but creates a new instance of it (`new View.OnClickListener()` is a call to the constructor)
The instance you create is of [anonymous class][2] that `implements` `View.OnClickListener`, in the brackets right under `new View.OnClickListener()`
Any class that implements `View.OnClickListener` must implement the methods declared in it (e.g. [onClick][3])
`setOnClickListener` just saves the reference to the View.OnClickListener instance you supplied, and when someone clicks the button, the `onClick` method of the listener you set is getting called.

[1]: [2]: [3]:
[`View.OnClickListener` is an interface][1], you don't call it, but creates a new instance of it (`new View.OnClickListener()` is a call to the constructor)
The instance you create is of [anonymous class][2] that `implements` `View.OnClickListener`, in the brackets right under `new View.OnClickListener()`
Any class that implements `View.OnClickListener` must implement the methods declared in it (e.g. [onClick][3])
`setOnClickListener` just saves the reference to the View.OnClickListener instance you supplied, and when someone clicks the button, the `onClick` method of the listener you set is getting called.

[1]: [2]: [3]:

Present in both answers; Present only in the new answer; Present only in the old answer;