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Possible Plagiarism

Reposted on 2021-04-27
by Raphael Inyang

Original Post

Original - Posted on 2021-04-27
by Raphael Inyang

Present in both answers; Present only in the new answer; Present only in the old answer;

ok, After reading the documentation on **Structuring Database** on the firebase docs website, [Structure your database][1]
**I realised that i didn't structure my database well, i should have regrouped them after specifying the name** like below ``` { // This is a poorly nested data architecture, because iterating the children // of the "chats" node to get a list of conversation titles requires // potentially downloading hundreds of megabytes of messages "chats": { "one": { "title": "Historical Tech Pioneers", "messages": { "m1": { "sender": "ghopper", "message": "Relay malfunction found. Cause: moth." }, "m2": { ... }, // a very long list of messages } }, "two": { ... } } } ``` *Although, it said that structuring it that way isn't a nice way, it seems that's what works for me*

ok, After reading the documentation on **Structuring Database** on the firebase docs website, [Structure your database][1]
**I realised that i didn't structure my database well, i should have regrouped them after specifying the name** like below ``` { // This is a poorly nested data architecture, because iterating the children // of the "chats" node to get a list of conversation titles requires // potentially downloading hundreds of megabytes of messages "chats": { "one": { "title": "Historical Tech Pioneers", "messages": { "m1": { "sender": "ghopper", "message": "Relay malfunction found. Cause: moth." }, "m2": { ... }, // a very long list of messages } }, "two": { ... } } } ``` *Although, it said that structuring it that way isn't a nice way, it seems that's what works for me*


Present in both answers; Present only in the new answer; Present only in the old answer;